We live on a limited budget as do most families. I don't have the luxury of donating large amounts of money to charities or organizations I would like to support. What I do have is time. My time is valuable and many places would jump at the opportunity to have a bit of it so I choose to make an influence with my time as much as possible. First off I am a mom and right now my volunteering has a lot to do with my children.
Currently I volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America. I am "officially" the fundraising chair and a committee member for our local troop. However, the title isn't all inclusive as with most jobs paid or not. The joke is I am a "doeser" (yeah I know it isn't a word). I does whatever there is to do. Frequently, that includes running errands, sending emails, making phone calls and being a mentor to a bunch of preteen/teen boys.
Here are a few pictures of the things I get to do with the boys!

Next to being a mom this is the job I love the most. Look in your area and see what opportunities lay in your interests. The rewards are so worth the lack of pay. If you currently volunteer and you don't find your position rewarding I encourage you to keep looking for the right position for yourself.

While there isn't a paycheck there are great benefits. I get to laugh, joke and act like a kid when I couldn't pull it off with my peers. I get the opportunity to camp and learn new survival skills, sometimes not so well and others with great results. I get to eat smores and taste test weak kool-aid. Honestly, it gives me a way to connect with my boys and influence other boys to become good citizens and moral adults. You can search for a local council HERE if this opportunity intrigues you.
Here are a few pictures of the things I get to do with the boys!

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